Thursday, July 10, 2014

Only sadness in Paradise / Jedynie smutek w Raju

I am slowly, inevitably starting to fall into the idea that I will never save this place. There will never be Peace here. I am not angry anymore. I don't want revenge or justice; I have nothing.

All I could do is just say how sorry I am. But no one will care about it. No one will know. And it will certainly not change anything. Truth is, I will never be able to fix Anything. I can only watch from the sidelines. Useless.


Powoli, nieuchronnie zaczynam pogłębiać się w przekonaniu, że nigdy nie uda mi się ocalić tego miejsca. Nigdy nie będzie tu spokoju. Już nie ma we mnie złości. Nie chcę zemsty ani sprawiedliwości; nie mam nic.

Jedyne co mogłam zrobić to powiedzieć, że jest mi przykro. Ale nikogo nie będzie to obchodzić. Nikt nie będzie wiedział. I z całą pewnością nic to nie zmieni. Prawda jest taka, że nigdy nie będę w stanie nic naprawić. Mogę jedyne patrzeć z ubocza. Bezużyteczna.

1 comment:

  1. I Care.
    And more will care, the more You make it known.
    The strongest Warrior may appear "useless" if considered and seen as just One against a whole army, but that does not make that One Warrior truly "useless", it is only Unfair and Unbalanced. Hence even if it may seem You will never win the Battle its self as a whole because it is bigger than You, you have to try and see the victories of the smaller Battles that you Do win by yourself, against the Mass, which unfortunately is strong, even if only a mass of weaklings.
    You will never be Useless, unless you stop dwelling as the small Light of hope in the vast Darkness of ignorance and disrespect to the Forest. Stay Brave, and Keep Flying ma Lahea.
